

Contractor insolvent?

My contractor is insolvent what do I do next?

Contractor insolvency is a very real problem in these challenging times. We can provide you with a clear commercial strategy to reduce the cost and disruption to your business or home. We can quickly assess and value current value of works completed on the project, identify the notifications properly required under the Contract to withhold any further payment and completed on your project and work with the administrator / receiver to ensure that we recover as much money as possible on your behalf.

You will be surprised what can be achieved – it needn’t be the end of your project!

Whilst we are chasing money and reducing your potential liabilities we can also help you to negotiate with the funder to maintain cash levels and complete funders / situation reports to maintain confidence in the project moving forward.


Our extensive network of trusted Contractors can keep your project moving without significant commercial risk and hopefully to keep out-turn costs as close as possible to the original budget.

We have  a long standing working relationship with a top City of London construction, engineering and infrastructure law firm so you can be re-assured that we can handle all sizes and complexity of situation. We work in conjunction with solicitors to work more efficiently and target the right level of resource at the problems significantly reducing total cost.

When you are ready to have a chat then just press the link below and we see how we can help!

0208 308 0209 EMAIL US NOW

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